
How is water accessible?

→ liquid water lurks just below the surface of Mars on cold winter conditions.
→ when the temperature rises again, the liquid water evaporates back into the atmosphere.
→ When the temperature drops, trace amounts of water from the atmosphere can turn to frost.
→ Nasa’s Mars rover Curiosity has found out that the surface soil on Mars contains about 2 percent water by weight (astronaut pioneers could extract about 1 liter of water out of every cubic foot (0.002 cubic meters)).

How much water is needed for 160 people?

→ If every person uses 50 liters of water per day, 8000 liters would be needed per day. Respecting the other water needs for a human such as the water supply for crop fields, the complete water consumption a human is around 1,5 - 2 million liters per year.
→ With recycling (90% efficiency), the water needed at the beginning of the project would be around 320 million liters.


→ Water can be extracted from the soil. The rover will select the location for the settlement primarily based on the water content in the soil.
→ Water extraction will be performed by the life support units.
→ The rover will deposit soil into a water extractor in the life support unit.
→ The water extractor will heat the soil until the water evaporates.
→ The evaporated water will be condensed and stored, the dry soil expelled, and the process repeated to extract more water.
→ About 1500 liters of reserve water will be stored in each life support unit, which will be consumed primarily at night, and during periods of protracted low power availability for example during dust storms.
→ 160 people will be transported to Mars but only water for 4 people is necessary travel duration is 6 months
→ 90% water is recyclable in a space shuttle
→ 4 (people) x 50l (water) x 128.5 (days) = 36000 litres
→ 36,000l - 36,000l x 0.9 (recycle rate) = 3600 l
→ Price: 36,000,000 $
→ 50 litres of water should be available per person every day With our system water can be extracted from the soil. 1kg of soil contains around. 0.02 litres of water.
1. Year: No recycling (no crops)
2. Year: Recycling, growing population (80%)
3. Year: Recycling, growing population and growing crops
160 people will be transported to Mars but only water for 4 people is necessary travel duration is 6 months.
90% water is recyclable in a space shuttle → 4 (people) x 50l (water) x 128.5 (days) = 36000 litres 36,000l - 36,000l x 0.9 (recycle rate) = 3600 l price:36,000,000 $ 50 litres of water should be available per person every day.